One of the most convenient features of smartphones is the ability of the phone to adjust time zone to match your physical location. This feature is known as "Automatic Time Zone Detection" or "Automatic Time Zone Adjustment." This functionality ensures that the device's clock remains accurate and synced with the local time wherever you may be traveling. Most of us never think twice about this technology it just happens seamlessly. When you get off the plane and connect to a network, it is magically the correct time. 

The problem:

The Technical Standard allows for a ELD device to be hardwired or a handheld device (smartphone) connected via Bluetooth, Technical Standard 1.3. RODS data is captured in the time zone of the driver’s home terminal, Technical Standard 7.40 & 7.41. If the ELD UTC time does not match the time zone the device is in, by more than 10 minutes, the ELD will record a Timing Compliance Malfunction, Technical Standard If a driver has the ELD on a smartphone and does not disable the Automatic Time Zone Detection or Automatic Time Zone Adjustment function of the phone, the ELD will record the Timing Compliance Malfunction when the time zone changes.

The solution is:

1. Download the ELD on a tablet and disable the Automatic Time Zone Detection or Automatic Time Zone Adjustment function.

2. Disable the Automatic Time Zone Detection or Automatic Time Zone Adjustment function on the driver’s smartphone but, be prepared the driver will be late or early for everything. 

Having a ELD on a driver’s smartphone is convenient but, comes with other implications. Every trucking company needs to decide what ELD application works best for them. Speak with your ELD provider about your business to determine what solution will work for you.
